I have dedicated a small 3x3 box to a hummingbird garden right outside my living room window. Every year I grow morning glories up two small metal towers and hang a feeder off a Shepherd hook. My solution is 1 part sugar to 3 parts water. Not an expensive hummingbird solution from the store.store.

The base of the garden contains Creeping Phlox and Day Lilies, to cover up and add some interest where the morning glories tend to loose leaves. I am looking into finding some nice medium sized perennials that hummingbirds like and move the Phlox/Day Lilies to another location.

This photo was taken May 1, this little guy has been coming back for years now. He is so used to me, I was only 20 feet away when I took this shot.

Right now my morning glories are just beginning to sprout, but this is last years photo of it dangling off the big tower.